Please note that Stanisci Design does not sell directly to the retail public.
All price quotes must be obtained through your cabinet professional.
We gladly accept all questions.
Stanisci Wood Hoods
700 South Glaspie Street
Oxford, MI 48371
Phone: 248-572-6880
Fax: 248-572-6884
Email: sales@wood-hood.com
M-F 8 am – 5 pm EST
Orders may be placed by fax 24/7
Stanisci Wood Hoods
700 South Glaspie Street
Oxford, MI 48371
Phone: 248-572-6880
Fax: 248-572-6884
Email: sales@wood-hood.com
M-F 8 am – 5 pm EST
Orders may be placed by fax 24/7